70′ Princess Viking Yacht
7 custom Handcraft Mattress Company beds, sheets and coverlets for this beautiful 70’ Princess Viking yacht guarantees sweet, pillowtop dreams!
Albemarle Boats – The Carolina Classic
Handcraft Mattress Company is a proud partner with Albemarle Boats - The Carolina Classic - supplying custom boat beds, bedding, coverlets and sheets for their 36’ and 41’ Express boats!
Adjustable/Electrical Platform Mattress
Consider Handcraft Mattress Company’s fabulous and innovative adjustable/electrical platform mattress bed for your boat!
40′ Riviera in Newport Beach
Our Newport Beach customers are sleeping soundly onboard their 40’ Riviera with 4 new custom HMC boat beds & linens! Our hinge head-to-toe allows easy access to storage underneath!
67′ Scarborough Yacht “Sea Weez”
More happy customers with 7 custom Handcraft Mattress Company boat beds onboard their 67’ Scarborough yacht “Sea Weez”
Classic 80′ Trumpy Yacht “BB”
Classic 80’ Trumpy yacht “BB” built in 1947 got a new $2M makeover with custom Handcraft Mattress Company boat beds & customized embroidered linens. Thanks for a great partnership Crystal Coast Interiors & Hamburg House!